VALLTERA-Tech EIO Technology

I/O Bottleneck resolved

VALLTERA Tech is at the beginning of a journey redefining the existing IT Storage and data access market. After the initial development and the process of filing patents, we are currently in the process of developing and launching the initial products and technologies and expanding into the world market.

Storage Revolution

The VALLTERA Tech Exascale I/O (EIO) platform is based on new hardware, software, and algorithms for data transfer. It initiates high throughput 11GB/s per host controller, high IOPS (up to 100 Million IOPS per storage system), low-latency (as low as 2µs per 4KB I/O request), and extreme scaling to Exabyte levels. Our solutions directly solve the high demands for data throughput and response times for large-scale applications.

The main advantage of VALLTERA Tech's EIO is that it is easily integrated with the current ICT (Information and Communications Technology) standards and with the existing hardware and software solutions of various manufacturers. This enables establishment of partnerships with Hardware vendors, Independent Storage Vendors, System Integrators, which implements EIO as integral part of their solutions.



Increase Business Efficiency

VALLTERA-Tech E-DMS represents a universal solution for document management, based on .NET technology, which automates business operations and removes the need for paper documents



On-line Business Processes

VALLTERA E-SERVICES software solution enables highly secure, simple and efficient way for exchange of documents between various user and organizations with advanced administrative module.



Efficient Content Management

VALLTERA E-CMS is the overall software solution for creation and maintenance of Web Portals from small-scale sites to highly complex Web portals with several thousand or hundred thousand pages.